Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Your Greatest Resource in Retirement

A lot of people believe that to have a fabulous retirement, you need access to a considerable amount of money.  This belief is understandable given the attention that the financial aspect is given by the financial institutions and the media. 

Some people are under the impression that having a wonderful retirement comes about due to having plenty of time in retirement.  For these people, time was elusive during their working years as they always seemed to be running out of it or other people always seemed to control their time.

Although money and time are key to the quality of your retirement, the reality is money and time are simply resources that you can use.  Money and time are tools to be employed, much like a hammer and saw are tools to be used by a carpenter.  However, you still have to decide how to use these resources or tools.  A carpenter can own the best tools ever made and have access to a fantastic group of workers but there is no guarantee that a well-made house will be constructed.

Before anything in life comes into existence, it must be created first in thought.  If the carpenter wants to erect a well-built house, he must have a set of blueprints that detail how the house will look.  Whether the carpenter creates the blueprints or an architect does, the blueprints were developed through thought and thought takes place in your mind.

In retirement, as in life, you use your mind when you decide where you are going to spend your money or your time.  Your ability to think, therefore, is your greatest resource in retirement. 
Human beings are the only animals with the ability to think.  All other animals operate by instinct even though sometimes it looks like they are thinking.  Our ability to think and to choose makes us unique and gives us tremendous power and opportunity.

How will you use your mind and imagination to make retirement the best time of your life?

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