Tuesday 24 May 2016

Don't Let Your Retirement Pass You By

Retirement means different things to different people.  For some, retirement is the time when you leave the workforce and putter around the house.  For others, retirement is when you travel.  And for others still, retirement means looking after the grandchildren.

Whatever retirement means to you, don’t forget that retirement isn’t just one long period of time.  Retirement is a series of stages with each stage allowing you to do different things.  If you miss doing something in an earlier stage, there is no going back as your body and your age cannot be adjusted after the fact.

I have seen some people at the mall wander around like they have nothing to do.  I find this sad because there is always lots to do.  Opportunity presents itself to us throughout our lifetime but unless you are ready to meet it, it goes right by you. 

When you retire or are getting ready to retire, seriously consider what you want your retirement to be like.  Most people enter retirement with little thought and end up basically having a retirement by default.  Waking up and wondering what you are going to do that day is no way to wake up in retirement.  

Think about what is really important to you in life and spend time planning how to have fun with it.  Life is meant to be fun and since retirement is part of life, retirement is meant to be fun as well. 

Relationships are also key to a happy retirement.  Without the love and support of our loved ones, life in retirement is pretty lonely.  It is important that you reach out to old friends when you have the opportunity.  The years go by quick and before you know it, those friends will have moved on as well. 

Your retirement is your responsibility.  Make the most of it.

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